Volume 70, Number 1 (2020) Winter
Letter from the Editors
Dear KEB Readers,
Nelson Henderson once said, “The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not intend to sit.” We find his words ring true to the call and work of teaching—and so even though the winter cold approaches, we think about seed planting, we think about new growth, and we think about the seeds that have germinated through the hardships and challenges of the past year.
There are seeds that realize their potential and germinate through challenging circumstances—whether being carried a great distance or having a seed coat only pierceable by the intense temperature of a raging forest fire. In the case of the Kentucky English Bulletin, the obstacles of the past year have been accompanied by a new editorial team. After a slow start, we are excited about the new growth and potential that we are seeing for the Kentucky English Bulletin to enrich and cultivate the lives of English teachers and the students they serve across the state of Kentucky.
We want to take this time to introduce ourselves and our goals for the Kentucky English Bulletin. The three of us are literacy faculty at Bellarmine University and have more than 45 years of combined experience teaching in the K–12 setting and at this point are serving undergraduate and graduate education students at Bellarmine University. Our collective interests represent a range of areas including young adult and children’s literature, literacy development, foundational reading, content literacy, writing assessment, instruction and practice, curriculum design, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and instructional coaching.
In making the decision to embrace this new journey, we are excited about the diversity of experiences and voices that are represented across the state of Kentucky—from the population density of downtown Louisville or Lexington to the expansive spaces of the Jackson Purchase, from the limestone-laden caves of South-Central Kentucky to the hilltops and hidden coves of the mountains—we recognize that the people of Kentucky are rich in story, experience, and perspective. Literacy is a thread that offers empowerment for all, and we wish to highlight the significant work in which Kentucky teachers and students engage. We are committed to leading the Kentucky English Bulletin in ways that foster critical dialogue around topics, content, ideas, and practices that are important to cultivating the work and engagement of teachers and students.
Beginning in 2021, we aim to continue and extend the legacy of the Kentucky English Bulletin. We are excited to continue with the hard-copy edition featuring award recipients of the student writing contest. We hope to extend the digital format by offering summer- and winter- themed editions that will also include the traditional areas, including book reviews, literacy submissions, and teaching spotlights.
We hope you will enjoy our first edition as a collaborative team. You will find exploration of interdisciplinary literacy from kindergarten to college. Whether exploring literacy connections in investigating local archives, considering the storytelling power of music, or contemplating the power of writing workshop to build community and stimulate student thinking in a virtual setting, we are confident that you will find something to quench your thirst for powerful teaching practices.
We ask that you also consider how your voice might become part of the diversity offered by the Kentucky English Bulletin. Whether sharing a poem, crafting an article, or serving as a peer reviewer, your skills, talent, and passions are valued.
The Kentucky English Bulletin Editorial Board:
Mary Ann Cahill, Ed.D.
Caitlin Murphy, Ph.D.
Winn Crenshaw Wheeler, Ph.D.
Bellarmine University
Front Matter
Winter 2020 Front Matter
KEB Editorial Board
A Rhetoric Without Words: The Persuasive Art of Music
Charles Majors
Reading in the (Local) Archives: Integrating KAS Interdisciplinary Literacy Practices in the K-12 Classroom
Heather Fox Ph.D.
Enacting the Interdisplinary Literacy Practices in the Kentucky Academic Standards
Jean Wolph and Louisville Writing Project XXXIX
Schema Shwoop
Erin Dennis
Reading the Word and Building Worlds in the Elementary Classroom
Winn Wheeler Ph.D. and Caitlin Murphy Ph.D.