
Submission Guidelines

  • The Kentucky English Bulletin accepts articles in the styles of the Modern Language Association (MLA), ninth edition or the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition.
  • Submissions can range from 500-2500 words and should be double spaced throughout.
  • Photographs and artwork supporting the manuscript can be submitted as additional files and should include permission from the photographer or artist and subjects in the photograph.
  • Tables, graphs, charts and other artwork should be submitted as separate files.
  • Ensure that the submission conforms to the NCTE Statement on Gender and Language
  • Remove identifying information such as biographical, identifying, and personal information including author names or school/institution within the manuscript or Works Cited/References listing.
  • Submissions are to be submitted electronically as three Microsoft Word files including:
    1. a cover sheet that lists the title of the manuscript and contact information and brief author bio(s)
    2. title of manuscript and manuscript text, free of identifying information of the author
    3. cover letter guaranteeing the manuscript is the original work of the author(s) and has not be published or submitted elsewhere for review.