Submissions from 2025
Rural, Gifted Student Experience in Appalachian Kentucky, Olivia G. Jarrell
From Surviving to Thriving: Trauma Informed Models for Survivors of Human Trafficking, Charity Pugh
Submissions from 2024
Female Sexual Offending: The Experiences Identified by Treatment Providers, Jalie Adams
A Collaborative Framework for the Inclusion of Students with Extensive Support Needs: A Case Study, Deborah Amend
Shifting Girls' Coding Attitudes Through a Coding Camp Experience, Kari Miller
The Effect of Massage Therapy on Test Anxiety Experienced by Traditional-aged Undergraduate Business Students, Jorge A. Pazmiño
Margin in Life and Stress of Community College Adult Learners, Joseph Ryan
Saving The Profession: A Post-COVID-19 Era Examination of the Association Between Grit, Experience, and Burnout in Student Affairs Professionals, Deonte Jamar Simmons
An Investigation of the Validity of a Framework Constructed to Predict and Facilitate Upward-Stability, Timothy Streett
Cornrowed Literacy & Lives: A Qualitative Case Study on Teachers Lived Experiences Through Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction, Ashley N. White
Collaborative Alignment Theory in Career Development: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study of Small College and University Career Centers, Kathleen Wooldridge
Submissions from 2023
School Culture and Implementation of Future Teacher Recruitment Programs, Erin Ashcraft
There's Beauty in the Struggle: From Bantu Education Toward Decoloniality in Indigenous South African Education, Gayle Bartilow
Assessing Athletic Training Preceptor 's Confidence in Their Role as Clinical Educators, Daniel Cobble Sr.
Cultivating Teachers for High-Poverty Schools, Kit Z McGuire
Cultivating Connectedness to Nature in the College Classroom: A Consideration of Nature-Based Pedagogy in Undergraduate Education, Cody H. Nygard
The Impact of Supplemental Phonemic Awareness Lessons on Phonological Awareness and Spelling Development Among Kindergarten and First Graders, Crystal Olinger
The Essence of K-12 Teaching in a Catholic Archdiocese in Kentucky During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Danielle Atzinger Wiegandt
Submissions from 2022
The Effect of a Specifically Designed First-Year Experience Course on Student Veteran Retention and Graduation Rates at a Public University, Anthony Dotson
The Pain of Helping: Crisis Response Teams Experiences with College Student Suicide, Audra E. Dowling
Exploration of Sense of Belonging Phenomenon for Students Who Commute to Campus at Private, Not-For-Profit, Four-Year Institutions, Bryan P. Hamann
"Because I'm Black": A Qualitative Case Study of Black Male Middle School Students Raised by Single Mothers, Whitney Hodge
Do You See What I See? Experiences and Socialization of African American Male Doctoral Students at a PWI, Victor Vinson
Starting the Conversation: Race, Ethnicity, and Land at a Predominantly White Environmental Education Organization, Carolyn A. Waters
Submissions from 2021
Experience Between Mentors and Coaches: A Phenomenological Case Study to Examine Effective Coaching Conditions, Brittany Adkins
Views from the Margins: A Multiple-Case Study of the Lived Experiences of Black Women Senior-Level Student Affairs Administrators, Tamekka L. Cornelius
Mask Off: Students’ of Color Traumatic Experiences in K-12 Education and Why Historically Black Colleges and Universities Make a Difference, Diane Courington
From the Margins: Impact of Academic Advising on First-Generation Student Retention, Xavia Harrington-Chate
The Influence of Martial Arts on the Quality of Life of College Students, Benjamin Harris
The Time to Talk is Now: Race-Based Dialogue Among White Student Affairs Professionals, Imari Hazelwood
The Effect of Volunteering on Philanthropic Giving to American Higher Education, Jess Metzmeier
Untold Stories: A Phenomenological Study of Parent and Educator Perspectives of Parental Engagement in Title One Elementary Schools, Alexandra Rogers
Trauma and Intersectionality in Trauma Informed Ministry, Caitlin Simpson
Language Learning Effectiveness (Outcome) of an Online Synchronous EFL Program Compared to an ESL Face-to-Face Program, Eduardo L. Trindade Ph.D.
The Implications of Well-Meaning Policies on Social Justice: A Case Study on Collective Efficacy in Adolescent Literacy Amongst Majority-Uncertified Teachers, Stephanie Van Eps
Submissions from 2020
Teaching Non-cognitive Skills for College: A Qualitative Case Study of a Low-Income, High-Minority, Urban School District in Southeastern United States, Elizabeth Byron
Star Stuff: Romantic Understanding of Elementary Science and Mathematics Through Imaginative STEAM Learning, Richard Cox
Assessing the Effects of Restorative Practices on Teacher Practices in Elementary Classrooms, Cheng Fisher
Assessing the Effects of Restorative Practices on Teacher Practices in Elementary Classrooms, Cheng Fisher
The Impact of a Holistic Admissions Review Process in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, Carrie Hawkins
“We Live in Two Worlds”: Foreign-born College and University Presidents – Perspectives, Leadership, and Resiliency, Kristie Johnson
Does Anywhere + Anytime = Success? Mobile Learning, Engagement, and Student Success in Higher Education, Sarah Nichter
High School Counselors As Social Capital In A Career Academy High School Model For Low-Income Students: A Case Study, Onyejindu Oleka
Mindfulness and Testing: An Exploration of the Benefits of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Meditation Practice on Test Anxiety, Anastasia Quirk
Hidden Identity: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Black Male Identity Development at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Therron Rogers
Reading Knowledge Transfer from the Pre-Service Teaching Phase to the Novice Teaching Phase: A Phenomenological Study, Natalie Sajko
Submissions from 2019
An Examination of the Use of Reading Fluency Indicators to Predict ACT Sub-Scores of First-Year College Students, Elizabeth Cassady
Privilege, Bias, and Cultural Competence: An Examination of How Lived Experience Shapes Academic Advising Practices, Jennifer Englert-Copeland
The Relationship Between Young Alumni Participation and Giving, Glenn Kosse
Job Satisfaction of Student Conduct Administrators and Their Use of Restorative Justice Practices, Leslie Maxie
Choice as an Antecedent Intervention Provided to Children with Emotional Disturbances, Alexandra J. Taylor
Analyzing Two-year College Student Success Using Structural Equation Modeling, Jessica Taylor
Submissions from 2018
Experiences Explored Through the Prism: Out Gay and Lesbian Pathways to University Presidency, Patrick Englert
Mentorship as a Protective Factor for Children with a History of Paternal Incarceration, Lorietta Hardin
Student Social Services in Kentucky’s Schools: Understanding the Impact of FRYSCs on Student Achievement, Stephen W. Lin
No One is an Island: Student Experiences of a Catholic High School Curriculum Response to Bullying, Based on Themes from the Writings of Thomas Merton, Thomas E. Malewitz
Measuring Teacher Expectations: A Generalizability Study, Wallis Malone
An Interpretive Study of African American Female Elementary Principals Experiences in a Southeastern Public Urban School District, Tiffany Marshall
A Grounded Theory Study: Transition Experiences of First Year College Students with Pessimistic Explanatory Styles, Hannah Piechowski
The Relationship Between Gender Role Conflict and Academic Progress Comparing Division II Male Student-Athletes to Male Non-Student-Athletes, Andrew Schroeder
Parents with Criminal Record History and Their Experiences Navigating Parental Involvement in an Urban Elementary School: A Case Study, Stephanie White
Self-efficacy as a Predictor of Interview Performance and Admission Yield for Doctor of Physical Therapy Applicants, Jordan Wiehebrink
Submissions from 2017
The Impact of Parents Having Health Insurance on Their Children’s Health Care, Andrea Bennett
Transition for Students with Autism: A Multi-Case Qualitative Study Exploring How Male Students with Autism Experience Postsecondary Education, Christine Bojanowski
A Study of Lived Experiences of African American Male Principals in Urban Elementary Schools, April E. Brooks
A Study of the Relationship between Oral Language and Sight Word Acquisition in First-Grade Students, Becky L. Goetzinger
Identifying eBook Pedagogies for Literacy Instruction: A Qualitative Content Analysis, Jamey T. Herdelin
Identifying eBook Pedagogies for Literacy Instruction: A Qualitative Content Analysis, Jamey Twitchell Herdelin
School Counselor Transgender Advocacy Development: An Exploratory Qualitative Study, Jack F. Jacobs
The Effects of a Poverty Simulation on Immediate and Sustained Participant Empathy, Doris Mann
Reading Fluency Instruction of Students with Cognitive Disabilities Using a Multiple Probe Methodology, Sarah N. Merimee
Student Success Behaviors and Gender: Exploring the Impact on First-Year Students, Sarah Ramage
Structural Poverty and College Enrollment: The Impact of Rural American Determinism, Bryan Robinson
Submissions from 2016
The Potential of a Virtual School to Help Mobile Students, Amy G. Dickinson
The Impact of Full and Half-day Head Start Programs on Kindergarten Readiness, Amanda R. McMullan
The Impact of Expertise and After-School Program Dosage on At-Risk Student Achievement, Heather E. Orman
A Comparative Study of Three Approaches for Enhancing Teaching Knowledge of Dyslexia, Kayla Steltenkamp
Submissions from 2015
Survival Analysis: Timelines to English Language Proficiency at the Secondary School Level, Elisha W. Beardsley
Cyberbullying Prevention: Intervention Effects on Student Involvement, Sarah Nash Bumpas
Grappling with Wicked Problems: Exploring Photovoice as a Decolonizing Methodology in Science Education, Kristin Cook
Managing Manacles: The daily struggles of unauthorized Latina mothers in Kentucky, Elizabeth W. Mandeel
The Role of Self-awareness in Developing Global Competence: A Qualitative Multi-case Study, Stacy D. Shipman
Intentional Depth of Knowledge and its Effects on K-12 Student Engagement, John M. Sizemore
Submissions from 2014
Impacts of Website Visibility and Family Income on Use of the Net Price Calculator, Hunt Chouteau Helm
The Effect of a Summer Oral Language and Literacy Intervention on the Literacy Acquisition of At-Risk First Grade Emergent Readers, Mary Beth Stevens