Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

School Name

College of Health Professions


Health Professions

Major Advisor

Heather Owens

Second Advisor

Grant Smith

Third Advisor

Kelly Ruppel

Fourth Advisor

Hope Zoeller



Traditional second-year nursing students are often unprepared to manage their emotions, during clinical experiences, in volatile acute care settings. EI is emerging in the literature as an essential ability to foster effective interpersonal and interprofessional communication within the stressful confines of patient care settings. Furthermore, research shows that universities need to invest in the emotional development of students during the first few years of college to facilitate healthy psychosocial identities.

This study aimed to determine the impact of a single EI intervention on second-year students in a baccalaureate nursing program. Quantitative methods were utilized to measure statistical significance in pre and post-intervention responses to the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT). The results showed a significant increase (p = .002) in pre-intervention mean scores of the experiment group (M = 128) and mean scores at the final survey administration (M = 131.10). Additionally, student evaluations indicated an overall favorable response to the EI intervention, where participants had an overall mean score of 4.45 (SD = 0.41). Significance may indicate the value of implementing EI education in nursing curricula to supplement clinical learning experiences. However, additional studies are needed with larger samples to strengthen the findings from this study
