Date of Project


Document Type

Honors Thesis

School Name

School of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences


Exercise Science

Major Advisor

Dr. Sara Mahoney

Second Advisor

Dr. Andrew Carnes


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the accuracy of the GNSS (global navigation satellite system) in the Coros® Vertix 2 and Garmin® Fēnix 6 during two trail running conditions in a group of recreational trail runners. Six participants completed four self-paced, one-mile trail runs. Accuracy of the two watches in measuring distance were compared across two trail conditions, heavy and light tree coverage. Both watches were worn simultaneously and then switched to the opposite wrists for the next trial. Distance measured by the watches was reported every quarter mile. Mean and standard deviation of the distance measured by the watch were calculated for each condition. Conditions were compared using paired t-tests (α

Available for download on Friday, May 01, 2026
