Content Posted in 2016
"Catholic" Healthcare: A Universal Right, Elizabeth Braun
College Geometry : Using the Geometer's Sketchpad, William Fenton
Determining the Most Efficient Type of Growth Light for an Aquaponics System using Yellow Lantern Chilies (Capsicum chinense), Travis McEachern
Digital Intimacy, Katherine Landers
Dorothy Day for Armchair Theologians, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty
Enhancing Nurse-Physician Communication and Collaboration, Pamela D. Missi
Eros and the Intoxications of Enlightenment : On Plato's Symposium, Steven Berg
“Evil Isn’t Born, It’s Made”: As Communicated in Once Upon A Time, Eleanor Hodapp
Freedom to and Freedom from, Clare C. Hagan
Grappling with Wicked Problems: Exploring Photovoice as a Decolonizing Methodology in Science Education, Kristin Cook
Impact of Nurse-Led Telephone Follow-up on Heart Failure Readmissions, Anna Laura Trimbur
Implementation and Evaluation of a Charge Nurse Development Project Bundle, Kathy L. Rose
Implementation of TeamSTEPPS in Acute Care Settings, Teresa D. Vincent
Implementation of TeamSTEPPS in the Operating Room a Quality Improvement Project, Teresa D. Vincent
Intersectionality in Queer Activism: A Case Study, Haley Adams
Introducing Catholic Social Thought, Joseph M. Thompson
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Kylie C. Smith
On Christian Contemplation, Thomas Merton and Paul Pearson
Renaissance Beauty = Today’s Ugly: Socioculturally Relative Appearance Factors and Attractiveness Judgments, Don Osborn
Rising Tide in the Gulf: The First Gulf War and Its Impact Upon Chinese Strategy, Patrick Griffo
Sentinel Event Management Model: A Performance Improvement Project, Kelly M. Johnson
Sequencing and Analysis of a Miraculin Homolog from Two Ragweed Species, Kyj R. Mandzy
Service Learning in Higher Education, Mark Weigand
Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: Helping Every Child Succeed, Robert Cooter and Ray Reutzel
Swinging in America : Love, Sex, and Marriage in the 21st Century, Curt Bergstrand
Telephone Follow-up for Heart Failure Patients Discharged to Skilled Nursing Facilities, Anna Laura Trimbur
The Aesthetics of Antifascist Film: Radical Projection, Jennifer Barker
The Conversation : a Novel, Joshua Golding
The Effects of the Environmental Estrogens Cadmium and Arsenite on Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 via GPR30 in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells, Katarzyna Krauss
The End of Domesticity: Alienation from the Family in Dickens, Eliot, and James, Charles Hatten
The Impact of Expertise and After-School Program Dosage on At-Risk Student Achievement, Heather E. Orman
The Impact of Full and Half-day Head Start Programs on Kindergarten Readiness, Amanda R. McMullan
The Influence of Gender and Language Complexity on the Credibility of Expert Witness Testimony, Darcy Egan
The Nerve: Associations between Perceived Parenting Style and Coping with Stress, Lauren McGrew
The Paradox of Hope: Theology and the Problem of Nihilism, Justin Klassen
The Potential of a Virtual School to Help Mobile Students, Amy G. Dickinson
The Quantum Efficiency of CdSe Semiconducting Nanocrystals, Charles Bledsoe