Date of Project


Document Type

Honors Thesis

School Name

College of Arts and Sciences


Theater Arts

Major Advisor

Dr. Zackary Ross

Second Advisor

Penny Peavler


The 15th Theatre project proposes a strategic and programmatic plan for a Kentucky state theatre, driven by the mission to uphold Kentucky voices within a professional theatre. This proposed theatre company strives to become a quintessential meeting place for all Kentuckians to explore their history, create new Kentucky-based work, and represent the authentic experience of the diverse regions of the state, from the large population centers of Louisville to the mountainous Appalachia. Reflecting on the current struggles facing regional and professional theatre companies across the country in the post-pandemic entertainment economy, the strategic planning of this theatre outlines the necessity of institutional visibility, audience engagement, and the adaptability of the theatrical model. This project coalesces research into the institutions of regional theatre, arts administration models, and Kentucky’s theatre and arts tradition into an applied project that proposes a new, culturally relevant, Kentucky-based theatre company.
